Book Chapters
Kollar, Justin, Thomas Nideroest and Mirwais Rahimi. “Planning with Uncertainty: Situating planning practice in the landscape of Afghanistan’s city-regions,” in Shelagh McCartney, Samantha Solano, Sonja Vangjeli and Hannes Zander, eds. Landscape Approach: From Local Communities to Territorial Systems. Actar, 2022: 55–66.
Raman, Thiyagarajan Adi, Justin Kollar and Scott Penman. “Sasaki: Filling the design gap—Urban impressions with AI,” in Imdat As, Prithwish Basu, eds. Artificial Intelligence in Urban Planning and Design: Technologies, Implementation, and Impacts. Elsevier, 2022: 339–362.
Kollar, Justin. “Cultivating (Post)colonialism: Architecture, Landscape, and the Politics of the Taiwan Sugar Corporation,” in Daniel E. Coslett, ed. Neocolonialism and Built Heritage: Echoes of Empire in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe. New York: Routledge, 2020: 236-256.
Kollar, Justin. “Democratizing Control Over the Landscape: A Genealogy of Taiwan’s Infrastructural Bureaucracy,” in Flavio Sciaraffia, Thomas Nideroest, Sourav Biswas and Hannes Zander, eds. From the South: Global Perspectives on Landscape & Territory. Santiago: Universidad del Desarrollo, 2019: 109–118. Includes Spanish translation.
Kollar, Justin, Leire Asensio, David Mah, Elizabeth Wu, Han Yang, and Xinhui Li. “Life-Styled China-Town Studio Themes,” in David Mah, Leire Asensio Villoria, eds. Life-styled: Health and Places. JOVIS, 2016.
Refereed Journal Articles
Stokols, Andrew, and Justin Kollar. “Extended State Infrastructure Power in an Age of Networked Competition: The cases of Thailand and Taiwan.” Environment & Planning A: Economy and Space. 2024.
Sevtsuk, Andres, Justin Kollar, Daniel Pratama, Rounaq Basu, Jawad Haddad, Abdulaziz Alhassan, Bahij Chancey, Mohamad Halabi, Rawad Makhlouf, and Maya Abou-Zeid. “Pedestrian-Oriented Development in Beirut: A Framework for Estimating Urban Design Impacts on Pedestrian Flows through Modeling, Participatory Design, and Scenario Analysis.” Cities 149 (June 1, 2024): 104927.
Kollar, Justin. “Failure to innovate: Urban technocracy and the making and unmaking of Sidewalk Labs' smart city.” Projections 16, 2022: 164–193.
Professional Public Reports (Selected)
Reconciliation, Reconstruction, Resilience: The Goals and Mechanisms for a Spatial Planning Framework in Afghanistan. White Paper. Afghanistan, 2020.
Lead Author, with Dr. Bish Sanyal (Key Advisor), Takafumi Inoue and Wendell Joseph. Completed while at Sasaki for the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Urban Development and Land supported by the World Bank Urban Development Support Program.
Mid-south Regional Resilience Master Plan. Public Document. Shelby County, TN, USA, 2019.
Co-author/Contributor, Analysis, Planning and Research with Sasaki for the Shelby County Resilience Council.
Kabul Urban Design Framework. Public Document. Kabul, Afghanistan, 2019.
Co-author/Contributor, Planning and Implementation Research with Sasaki for the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Manuscripts Under Review
Kollar, Justin. “Territory and function: Spatial planning reform and the ecological security of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan.”
Kollar, Justin. “Flood risk geographies and socio-economic vulnerability in the continental United States”
Manuscripts Under Preparation
Kollar, Justin, and Andrew Stokols. “Geopolitical Economy of the Cloud: Comparing U.S. and China Territorial Strategies for Digital Empire.”
Sevtsuk, Andres, and Justin Kollar. “Rez de ville: The urban ground floor as a sensory, contextual, and normative project for city design.” Built Environment. Forthcoming.
Other Published Work (Selected)
Kollar, Justin, Niko McGlashan, and Sarah Williams. “Creating Action with Data Using Data to Increase Equity in Urban Development,” in Bringing Digitalization Home Symposium, Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, September 2023.
Kollar, Justin. “Territorial planning in an era of global uncertainty: Geo-politics, techno-industrial development, and climate change in Taiwan.” Working Paper for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Taiwan, R.O.C.), Taiwan Fellowship, March 2023.
Kollar, Justin, Thomas Nideroest, Sourav Biswas. “The Gap Between Aspiration and Reality: How Designers and Planners See Their Role in Addressing Climate Change,” World Landscape Architect, May 19, 2022.
Kollar, Justin, Thomas Nideroest, Sourav Biswas. “Design Climate Survey - Final Report: The Gap between Professional Aspirations and the Reality of Work in addressing Climate Change,” International Landscape Collaborative, April 6, 2022.
Keillor, Gretchen and Justin Kollar. “Townology: A Personality Profile for Small Town Types.” Winter 2020 edition of Small Town and Rural Planning, Small Town and Rural Planning Division of the American Planning Association (APA), 2020.
Selected Conference Presentations
“Towards a geopolitical ecology of semiconductor production: Land and resource dynamics in the U.S. and Taiwan.” American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, April 2024.
“Territory and Function: Planning Reform and the Ecological Security of the Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, October 19-21, 2023.
“Endless frontier? State power, territorial security, and digital innovation in an age of geopolitical competition.” The 10th East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography, New Geo-politics in East Asia, National Taiwan University, December 9-12, 2022. With Andrew Stokols. Best Paper Award.
“Making of the ‘Homeland’: Territorial planning, ecological (in)security, and the politics of high-tech supply chain restructuring in Taiwan.” Graduate Research in STS (GRiSTS) Harvard Kennedy School, October 13-15, 2022.
“Varied Geographies of Flood Risk: Multi-scalar Analysis of Socio-Economic Vulnerability to Flooding Across the Contiguous United States.” UCLA Climate Adaptation Research Symposium, September 8-9, 2021.
“Strategic Development Frameworks for Five Provincial Capital Cities in Afghanistan: Rapid Landscape Assessments and Probabilistic Urban Expansion Scenario Modeling.” 12th Annual Geodesign Summit ‘Resilient by Geodesign,’ February 9-10, 2021. With Kai Ying Lau.
Invited Talks
“Geo-politics of high-tech industrial ecologies” for Urban Ecologies and Technologies at Northeastern University, taught by Dr. Lizzie Yarina, Fall 2024
“Political Economy of Semiconductors” for END 422/URP 522 Economic Development Planning at SUNY Buffalo, taught by Dr. Xuanyi Nie, Fall and Spring 2024 (Virtual)
“Strategic Planning” for the Ministry of Urban Development and Land (MUDL), Kabul, Afghanistan, February 2020 (Virtual)